Metropolis Hastings (MH)

Sampling from a high dimensional distribution is hard. To illustrate this, say we have the following distribution that we want to sample from: P(a,b,c,d) . We can rewrite it as P(A=a)P(B=b|A=a)P(C=c|B=b,A=a)P(D=d|C=c,B=b,A=a) . Sampling the first term A is hard, it requires that we marginalize over 3 variables! Therefore, faster approaches have been developed to solve this problem, MCMC being a prominent high-level technique. Metropolis-Hastings is a type of MCMC approach.

Detailed Balance Equation

The detail balance equation is a very important concept for MH. Say we have a probability distribution P . The detailed balance states that if we can construct a Markov Chain, whose transition probability is T(xi|xj) , then, for all xi and xj , if the P(xj)T(xi|xj) = P(xi)T(xj|xi) , then the Markov Chain’s stationary distribution is equal to P .

The Metropolis Hastings Equation

Proposal Distribution

First, define a proposal distribution Q(xi|xj) . This distribution proposes candidate samples. In this post, I will only talk about symmetric distributions for Q , more specifically I will let Q be the normal distribution. Lets define Q(xi|xj) = N(xi|μ=xj,∑=1) , and it should be clear why Q(xi|xj) = Q(xj|xi) .


The final aspect of MH, is the critic. It will tell you the probabilty at which we should accept a proposed sample, produced by the proposal distribution. Lets denote this as A(xi|xj) . Now we have defined all the aspects of MH, we can write T(xi|xj) = Q(xi|xj)A(xi|xj) for all xi != xj , if xi = xj then T(xi|xj) = Q(xi|xj)A(xi|xj) for all possible xj sum Q(xi|xj)(1-A(xi|xj)) . We will mainly refer to the case when xi = xj since its easier to write, but the following equations will still hold if xi != xj . With all this said, we still don’t know how to calculate A , our critic probability. Recall the detailed balance equation, we can expand to be: P(xj)Q(xi|xj)A(xi|xj) = P(xi)Q(xj|xi)A(xj|xi) . We can shuffle some terms around to produce this equation A(xi|xj)/A(xj|xi) = P(xi)Q(xj|xi) / P(xj)Q(xi|xj) . The following information im going to explain is probably the most confusing. For every itteration where we sample Q given our current location, xj , and obtain the proposed sample, xi . We want to figure out A(xi|xj) , so what we can do is set A(xj|xi) = 1 when P(xi)Q(xj|xi) / P(xj)Q(xi|xj) < 1 . However, if P(xi)Q(xj|xi) / P(xj)Q(xi|xj) >1 then A(xi|xj) = 1 . I think its important that you think about why what I just said is “allowed” mathematically. Our final equation is A(xi|xj) = min(1, P(xi)Q(xj|xi) / P(xj)Q(xi|xj) .

Pulling everything together

We now know how to calculate each component in MH. For our example, we set Q to be a normal distribution, which mimics a random walk. Furthermore, as aforementioned, if we set Q to the normal it’s symmetric. This means that A(xi|xj) = P(xi) / P(xj) . So let’s go over how MH would run for n iterations.